On Friday the 22nd March, the Telegraph exposed that Nick Boles had held a private meeting with developers promising further deruglation and liberalisation of the planning system, which, under the Conservatives, is already in a state of turmoil. Of all the horrific things that were said during that meeting, the worst must have been this, when he says "he couldn't care less who owns the bloody things". 

In my opinion, the fact that this meeting was held privately and that he promised to further deregulate planning to those people just exposes that he's in it for the money - and the developers have a deal going. While this may be a cynics's view, it seems logical after what this government have done to help big, destructive business - George Osborne boosting the fossil fuel lobby and David Cameron refusing the minimum alchohol pricing are just a few named examples of the pains ordinary people have had to withstand. 

Why our countryside? It's estimated that if we use all our brownfield sites, 500,000 new homes will be supplied. The fact is, Greenfield sites are cheaper to develop, and that's what devlopers and construction indiustries are concerned about. Not the general wellbeing of people, not the state of nature and biodiversity. Also, look through city centres. Countless office blocks stand empty, ambandoned, maligned. These could be ideal places for affordable housing, and even these could aid in creating new communities without getting the bulldozer out on our countryside. 

So instead of creating jobs knocking down our trees and nature, let's get Nick Boles out of his job and create jobs by bringing new life to old, derilect areas of cities nationwide. 

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    March 2013

